Boys Basketball
2023-24 Information
Congratulations! Here are the 8th graders who make up the 2023-24 roster:
- Alijah Wilson
- Alonzo Smith
- Gabe Johnson
- Mackail Tislow
- Brennyn Penrod
- Vinny Gibson
- Chris Livingston
- Cassius Downing
- Joseph Agboh
- Qi Marcum
- Joseph Clore
- Demi Akinbola
- Ben Finney
- Isaac Lilly Fuentes
- Brody Naminski
- Elijah Tago
Participation Requirements
Updated athletic paperwork and physical in PRIVIT - please make sure that your physical is dated on or after April 1, 2023 and uses the IHSAA pre-participation physical form.
Please remember, your student athlete MUST have all the above steps complete before any participation. This includes both open gyms and try-outs. Students who are selected for the teams will need the following:
- $25 Athletic fee (one time for year - if your student participated in a FALL sport this school year, this should already have been paid
- $50 Program support fee