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leaves and dates listed
Fall Break
turkey graphic with dates
Thanksgiving Break
fall play dates with laurel wreath and lightning bolt graphic
Game of Myths


mike mckinney

I'm Mike McKinney, the proud Principal of Avon Middle School North.

Welcome to Avon Middle School North!  I am honored to be the new Principal and to welcome you to our school community.  Whether you are a student, staff member, or part of the broader school family, we are glad you are here!

Learn More About North

Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures

In the event you need to drop off your child in the morning or pick them up in the afternoon, here are our procedures.

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students walking into school

Clubs and Organizations

Many clubs and organizations are offered here at North

See the List

students sitting together


Find out more about AMS North Orioles athletics and learn how you can participate and support our teams.

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cheerleading squad

School Start/End Times

Our new school hours for students are 9:20 am - 4:05 pm. New office hours are 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. 

Learn More

alarm clock


Visit the AMS North Library and learn about the wonderful resources it provides for our students.

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teacher and student in library


Meet the counseling team and learn what they're doing to help every student succeed.

Learn more

girl talking with counselor

What's happening at North?

News & Updates

There are so many great things going on at North. A few highlights are below. But, don't just take our word for it. Come in and see for yourself.

Avon High School Auditorium (Door 38)
Avon Professional Development Center at White Oak ELC
Main Commons/Fieldhouse Enter Door 38
Avon Professional Development Center at White Oak ELC

Custom Class: panel-bg

aerial photo of AMS North
Matt Hines Testimonial

I am thrilled to get the opportunity to work alongside a talented team of teachers and staff at North. I look forward to collaborating with parents to continue the tradition of excellence in Avon Community School Corporation. Matt Hines, Principal

Ginger Davis Testimonial

Being a graduate from Avon High School, I have seen a lot of positive changes in our school corporation, and I am excited about the growth our community has experienced. I look forward to meeting each of you and helping your children be successful here at North and in the future. Ginger Davis, Assistant Principal

Ranesha Lee Testimonial

It’s truly an honor and privilege to serve as Assistant Principal at Avon Middle School North. As Assistant Principal, I hope to bring a diverse perspective, unique ideas and solutions, while embodying the mission to ensure that all students and families feel they can belong, learn and grow. Ranesha Lee, Assistant Principal

Wendy Kovach Testimonial

My favorite part of my job is working with all of our great students and the amazing staff that I get to collaborate with. Wendy Kovach, Teacher Librarian

Allison Bourne Testimonial

I love that I get daily interactions with all the students and parents when they come in. And I get to work directly with teachers and the administrators as well. I love my job! Allison Bourne, Athletic & Attendance Secretary